City Covenant Church Kids Ministry 

Safety Policy

In the City Covenant Church body, we are called to love and nurture the whole person, for the most vulnerable among us, especially children. We take responsibility to place additional protections to ensure their safety in all situations. We also aim to equip and protect those who work with them so we have a thriving spiritual environment.

Volunteers and Paid Staff

To be a kids ministry classroom volunteer you must be a regular City Covenant Church attendee for 6 months.  You also must adhere to the affirmations of faith for our church and to have no history of being an abuser.  High School/College paid aides must respect the beliefs of our church. Every volunteer and High School/College paid aide who works in any of our Sunday school classrooms must agree to complete a confidential application and a confidential WSP background check, DOD’s National Sex Offenders database and reference form.  

One Adult rule

Adult volunteers and staff are to observe the one-adult rule.  This allows there to be one adult in a classroom with no more than 15 kids in attendance. With a roving aide to go into any of the classroom if there is any additional need.

Teenage Workers

There may be times when it is necessary or desirable for childcare workers (paid or volunteer) who are under age 18 to assist in caring for our children during Sunday school, or weeknight church events. Teenage workers will be under the supervision of an adult and never will be left alone with the children.

Volunteer/Staff Training and Education

  1. Once a year all kids ministry volunteers will attend training to educate them on the policies and procedures for reducing the risk of abuse, injury, and illness.

  2. All church staff members will review together the City Covenant Church Child Safety Policy and Procedures on an annual basis.

  3. All church staff will have a copy of the City Covenant Church Child Safety Policy and Procedures form in print.

  4. Copies of the policy will be in a classroom binder in each Sunday school classroom for volunteers' easy access.

  5. Copies of the policy will be available for any church member upon request.

Parental Consent and Medical Authorization

Parents or legal guardians will fill out a parental consent form and medical authorization form for each child who will be participating in our Sunday morning ministry or monthly youth meet up. These forms will be kept in the classroom binder in each classroom.  At the start of each calendar year, parents or legal guardians will be required to fill out a new form.

Check-in and out Guidelines

Nursery (0 to 2):

  1. Each parent or guardian will check in their child at the Check-In Station in the lobby and place a name tag sticker on the child’s back before entering the nursery classroom. 

  2. Parents or guardians will receive a text to come upstairs in case of an emergency. 

  3. Parents or guardians will show the nursery volunteers their check in code so the child can be released from the classroom. Nursery volunteers will also check the child out on the tablet. 

  4. No child will be released except into the care of their parent(s), unless noted at the time of check-in.

Pre K (3 to 4):

  1. Parent or guardian will sign his/her child(ren) in at the Check-in station in the lobby or through the Church Center app and place the name tag sticker on the child’s back before the service.

  2. Parents and guardians will receive a text to come upstairs in case of an emergency. 

  3. Parents or guardians will show the preschool volunteers their Check-in code so the child can be released from the classroom. Preschool volunteers will also check the child out on the tablet. 

  4. No child will be released except into the care of their parent(s), unless noted at the time of check-in.  

Elementary classes (K&1st grade, 2nd&3rd grade, and 4th&5th grade):

  1. Parent or guardian will sign his/her child(ren) in at the Check-in station in the lobby or through the Church Center app and place the name tag sticker on the child’s back before the service.

  2. Parent or guardian will receive a text to come upstairs in case of an emergency. 

  3. Children will be released back to their parents or guardians in the sanctuary for closing worship and communion by their classroom teachers.

Sick Child Policy

We want to provide a safe and healthy environment for all children, so we ask that you please keep your child(ren) home at any time he/she exhibits symptoms of an illness.  Some symptoms might include (but are not excluded to)

  • Fever

  • Sore throat

  • Running nose (green/yellow)

  • Cough

  • Vomiting/diarrhea

  • Strep throat

  • Pink eye

  • Chicken pox

  • Contagious rash

  • Lice

If your child has any of the above we ask that they not be checked-in or return to Sunday School until at least 24 hours after symptoms have subsided and/or antibiotics have been started.  Chicken pox should be scabbed over and lice should have nits removed.  Children who show signs of being ill while in the classroom parents or guardians will be asked to pick up their child immediately.

Medical Policy

It is the policy of the Evangelical Covenant Church to not administer either a prescription or non-prescription medication to children under our care.  Medications should be administered by parents at home. 

Accidental Injury

In a event a child or youth is injured while under our care, the following steps should be followed:

  1. For any minor injury, scrapes, and bruises, volunteers will provide first aid as appropriate and will notify the child’s parents or guardians of the injury at the time the child is picked up.

  2. For injuries requiring medical treatment beyond simple first aid, the parent and/or guardian will immediately be requested as well as the Children’s ministry director.

  3. Once a child has received appropriate medical attention, an Accident/Injury Report Form will be completed and kept on file at the church.


Touching is a difficult area because touch can be very positive and it’s important for children to understand and receive positive touch.  Context and situation must always be taken into consideration. It is quite appropriate to hold and comfort an infant, and a young child or one who is in discomfort.  In the same way it can be appropriate to hug children or youth who are grieving or hurt or when a child initiates a hug.  Ask children for permission before hugging them and respect the child’s right if they say “no”.

It may be best to consider the types of touch that are okay to initiate and not okay to initiate. Below are some examples of both.

  1. Appropriate

    1. Celebrating: high fives, fist bumps, side hugs

    2. Circle prayer: holding hands, hands on shoulders

    3. Comfort and redirection: a hand on the shoulder, side hugs

  2. Inappropriate

    1. Wrestling, caressing, grabbing, slapping, hitting, tickling, or spanking.

Reporting Procedures

  1. Reporting Obligations:

    1. Volunteers are to immediately report any behavior, which seems abusive or inappropriate, or any incident reported by a child or youth

  2. Line of Reporting:

    1. Volunteers report directly to the child ministry coordinator or pastoral staff.

    2. Child ministry coordinator and/or pastoral staff reports directly to the head  pastoral staff.

    3. If the allegation is directed toward a pastoral staff member, reporting may be made to the acting leadership chair member.

    4. The pastoral staff or leadership chair shall report directly to the police department for any allegation of abuse.

    5. The police department will then investigate the allegations.

    6. In some states the police may require the person to report the incident to Child Protective Services. In that case the Incident Report Form should list the contact person and case number. 

Response Plan

  1. When an allegation of abuse is brought to the attention of a designated care person, that person should fill out an Incident Report Form and  immediately arrange a meeting with the complainant and any other witnesses to clarify the allegation.

  2. If the complainant is a minor, the church staff should meet with the child’s parents, notifying them of the incident and the steps that are being taken, as well as offering support and prayer. 

  3. If the alleged perpetrator is a volunteer, the pastoral staff will:

  1. Meet with the volunteer to notify them that an allegation has been made and will be investigated by local authorities. If the volunteer is a minor this meeting should also include the parent(s).

  2. Inform the volunteer that he/she may not participate in children’s or youth ministry until the investigation into the allegation is complete.

  3. Offer support and prayer during the investigation.

  1. The church will report any allegation of abuse to the local police and in some states to Child Protective Services.

  2. The pastoral staff will also make note of the allegation and its outcome on the volunteer’s confidential application form, as well as the allegation outcome.

  3. If the alleged perpetrator is a staff member, then another pastoral staff member and/or the church chair will:

  1. Meet with the staff member and notify them that an allegation has been made and will be investigated by local authorities as well as the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) conference office.

  2. The conference office should be notified immediately. They will assist the church through the process and notify the ECC’s Ordered Ministry who will be involved in the investigation.

  3. Inform the staff member that he/she may not participate in children’s or youth ministry until the investigation into the allegation is complete.

  4. Offer support and prayer during the investigation.

  1. Notation of the allegation and its outcome will be made in the staff person’s confidential file.

  2. The pastoral staff and/or leadership chair will report the allegation to the police, conference office, and insurance company.

  3. Written records can be subpoenaed. 


In case of a fire either during the church service or weekday event, please do not come upstairs to pick up your child(ren). All child ministry volunteers will take their class to the closest exit door and then to the designated safe location, across Bernard st. in the parking lot of the Inland Professional Title building. You may reunite with them there.


In case of an intruder (i.e. active shooter or domestic violence situation) we ask parents to follow the direction of church leadership and / or law enforcement on the appropriate time to be reunited with their child(ren).  As for the classrooms upstairs, we will practice the run, hide, or fight protocol.  If it is safe for the children to evacuate the building through the back staircase, we will do so. 

Nursery Procedures

  1. Follow Parental Consent and Medical Authorization Guidelines

  2. Follow Release Guidelines

  3. Eliminate any toys or objects that may present a choking hazard

  4. Clean and disinfect toys in the nursery after the service

  5. Disinfect changing station after each changing, dispose of dirty diapers in a closed container that children cannot access, Wash Hands 

  6. Never leave a child unattended on the changing table.  Always use the straps to keep the child from rolling off the changing table.

  7. Cover all outlets.

  8. Clean and disinfect the room thoroughly after each use.

Preschool Bathroom Procedures

  1. Responsibilities of Parents

    1. Parents should have their child use the restroom prior to the start of class or church activities.

    2. If the child is not toilet trained:

  1. Parents must give written consent for an adult or teenage worker to change the diaper of their child.

      2. Responsibilities and Restroom Guidelines for classroom       Volunteers

  1. Preschool children will use the restroom in the connecting nursery classroom under the supervision of the nursery volunteers.  When they have finished and have washed their hands, they may return to the preschool classroom.

  2. Only one child can be excused to use the restroom at a time

  3. Preschool volunteers must communicate with the nursery volunteers if a preschool aged child is going to be using the restroom.

School Aged Children Bathroom Procedures

  1. One child can be excused to use the bathroom at a time

  2. Adults are not allowed to accompany children in the bathrooms.

    1. An adult will stay at the classroom door so they have a view of both the hallway and the classroom while a child is in the bathroom.

By providing a safe environment for our children and volunteers, the City Covenant Kids Ministry can function well.