What brings you joy?
As we head into summer, I would encourage you to think about something: what sounds like fun to you right now/what brings you joy? As we are entering into a new season, I’d encourage you to look for the places in your life that are bringing you joy or activities that sound like fun.
Please be reminded that we belong to a God who delights in us and desires for us to experience joy in him and his creation. We are reminded of God’s delight in Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you;” What a comfort it is to know that we have a God who delights in us and wants us to experience that delight in Him, in His creation and those we interact with – this can often be found in the things that we find fun and bring us joy.
As you head into summer, I’d encourage you to think about what brings you joy or what sounds like fun to you? This might be spending time getting your hands dirty in the garden, reading a good book, time at the lake, a walk with a good friend or maybe checking out that new restaurant or ice cream shop.
May this week you look to see where are those places/people that bring you joy or what sounds like fun to you? Go, do that fun joy-filled thing and be reminded that God delights in you!
-Ellie Powers