Small, Slow Miracles

Griffen and I just finished watching season 2 of The Chosen, which is a show about the life of Jesus and his disciples (HIGHLY recommended). Throughout the show, you get to see Jesus interacting with his disciples and performing miracles; and it really got me thinking about how God performs miracles, as well as the worship, awe, and thanksgiving that follow.

I’ll admit, I often wish I could witness a miracle like we see in the bible. How amazing would that be, and how easy would it make my faith in God?

But then I was reading Satisfied, a new book by Alyssa Bethke, in which she talks about small miracles. She writes that, “more often or not, the miracles we witness are slow. They take time. Weeks, months, years.” For some reason I hadn’t really considered that miracles could be small, or slow. Don’t miracles only happen when something out of this world and instantaneous happens? Like walking on water, feeding 5,000, or healing the sick with a single word or prayer?

But what if there are actually miracles happening around me every day, and I only need to open my eyes, “put on my faith glasses”, and look for them. Small, slow things can be miracles too, and by remembering all the ways God has answered my prayers, I am learning to recognize the miracles that I’ve already been shown. A few miracles in my own life are that I have a loving husband, that my family is healthy, that I have creativity in my mind and the ability to make things, and the list could go on forever. When I stop to think about all the prayers God has answered, it’s overwhelming; yet I often forget about these small, slow miracles, because I’m focused on the next big and quick one I’m praying about.

My prayer is that we would recognize, point out, cherish, and praise God for these small, slow miracles. I am constantly reminding myself that my human view of time is limited, and that God, the creator or everything, has a much grander view. What might seem slow to me, is not to Him. What I pray would happen right now, He listens to, and stores away for the right time and place. God is in the business of miracles, and I want to be in the business of noticing them, and praising Him with a heart of thanksgiving.

—Kaylen Kociela


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