Esther Saved Her People

Hello City Kids families,

Welcome to the new way you get City Kids information!

I will be posting a weekly blog post with City Kids information you’ll need to know for Sunday classes. These will consist of classroom information as well as a Gospel Project story devotional, Family talking points: with the key memory verse, Big Picture Question and how the Bible lesson connects to Jesus. There will also be an easy link for The Gospel Project At Home.

*This coming Sunday is the 5th Sunday of the month and our elementary kids will be having class upstairs. Our plan for the 5th Sundays are having the kids do a service project for an organization our church supports. These Sundays will be known as “City Kids Mission Sundays”. For this coming Sunday, we will be drawing Welcome pictures and writing letters for the families at World Relief.

Esther Saved Her People

You may never have said it aloud before, but there is a good chance that you have thought it: “If I just had ________ [fill in the blank with your greatest desire], then following Jesus would be so much easier.” What is your greatest desire? For some it may be money; for others, possessions; for others, power or a relationship or a feeling.

We live in a broken world and may often fantasize about what life would be like if our ideals came to pass. We may even hurt or mistreat others in pursuit of our dreams—to gain that which we believe has the greatest importance. But the reality is that even if we have all that we want, there is still a great temptation to desire more and continue seeking our own good at the expense of others.

This sinful reality is part of what makes the events in the Book of Esther so surprising. We observe Mordecai’s journey from faithful adoptive father of a young girl in a foreign land to his becoming the king’s right-hand man.

Mordecai was faithful. He was faithful to take in Esther, his cousin who was without father or mother. He was faithful to sit, wait, and watch every day at the gate of the king’s palace to see what God would do through this beautiful young woman. He was faithful to speak up with boldness and confidence, even at the threat of death. And he was faithful to lead beside the king in an honorable way seeking the flourishing of the kingdom.

Mordecai rose to a position of great power and authority. Many figures in power tend to forget their roots, turning to selfishness and unfaithfulness. Mordecai, however, did not. Read Esther 10:3.

In our temptation to seek our own pleasure, we must remember that our Savior, Jesus Christ, “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). In remembering the work of Christ, we find not only an example to follow but also the power to do the same.

Christ in us seeks the good of those around us. No matter how high or low our rank in the world, He is always good and always desires that we seek the good of those around us, for His glory.

Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities. Link Below:



This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

Babies & Toddlers: God had a plan for Esther to rescue the Jews. God also had a plan for His Son, Jesus, to come into the world and rescue all people.

Preschool: Haman’s evil plan could not stop God. God had a plan for Esther to rescue the Jews. By saving the Jews, God made the way for His Son, Jesus, to come into the world.

Elementay Kids: God was in control over Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews. Like Haman, Satan wants to ruin God’s plan and destroy believers. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross, but God raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. All who believe in Jesus are rescued from sin and death.


This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

Preschool: How should we feel when we make wrong choices? When we make wrong choices, we should feel sorry that we have disobeyed God and want to obey Him.

Elementary Kids: How should we feel when we sin? When we sin, we should feel sorry that we have disobeyed God and want to turn from our sin because we love Him.


This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

Babies & Toddlers: We should feel sorry when we disobey God. 2 Corinthians 7:10

Preschool: We should feel sorry when we disobey God and want to obey Him. 2 Corinthians 7:10

Elementary Kids: For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly grief produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10

** Next week: Nehemiah Rebuilt the Walls (Nehemiah 1–7)

-Jenni Moore

Children’s Ministry, City Covenant Church

content provided by The Gospel Project


Nehemiah Rebuilt the Walls


Focus on Jesus