Jesus Told Nicodemus about Eternal Life

Dear City Kids families,

*This Sunday ALL KIDS will be in class! Nursery aged kiddos (0-2yrs) can be dropped off in the nursery room starting at 8:50. Preschooler (3&4yrs), elementary, and youth aged kiddos will join us for worship and will be released to line up with their teacher in the lobby during the “passing of the peace” time.

*If you are either unable to attend church on Sunday or would like to continue your kiddos lesson through the week, check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities. To get started just copy and past this link in your browser:

Here’s what your kids will be learning this Sunday: Nicodemus needed new life—eternal life—but he could not do anything to earn it. Eternal life is a gift that comes only from God. God showed His love in this way: He sent His one and only Son to save the world. Everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. Light and darkness are contrasted throughout the Scriptures. In John 3, Jesus explained to Nicodemus the hope and grace of God and the means by which He saves. Consider what Jesus was saying as He emphasized this contrast in this conversation (John 3). 

“Jesus Told Nicodemus about Eternal Life” devotional and Family Talking Points: In John 3:19-21, Jesus said, “This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.” 

Jesus said that judgment is coming—and has arrived—because people loved the darkness more than the light. Ultimately, Jesus was referring to Himself, having entered the world to overcome the darkness. But as John 1 says, He was not recognized as the light, even by His own people. 

Some two thousand years later, the question is, do we too love the darkness, or have we truly received the light? And how can we know? Jesus helps us answer this question. 

One might summarize Jesus’ response this way: if you love the darkness, your deeds will be evil. If you love the light, your works will be obvious evidence of the power of God. The evidence of whether we love the darkness or the light is found in the way we live. 

Do you live in a way that expresses your love for light or for darkness? Is there a clear picture of the power of God in your decisions, actions, and words? Do people see the work of God and hear of His power when they interact with you? 

It’s easy to answer these important questions with aspirations, but we cannot convince God of what is not true. And even further, our aspirations mean nothing without a deep dependence on God's transformation for our lives. Though we find evidence of what we love in how we live, ultimately God looks at the heart. Our lives will be evidence for loving God above all else. In our faithful pursuit of the light, the evidence will show itself.



This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Babies & Toddlers: Jesus gives us life forever with God. 

  • Preschool: God showed His love by sending His one and only Son to rescue people from sin. Jesus gives us life forever with God. 

  • Elementary Kids: Nicodemus needed new life—eternal life—but he could not do anything to earn it. Eternal life is a gift that comes only from God. God showed His love in this way: He sent His one and only Son to save the world. Everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. 


This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Preschool: How do we know God loves us? We can know that God loves us because He sent His Son Jesus. 

  • Elementary Kids: How do we know God loves us? We can know that God loves us because He gave us Jesus to forgive the sins of the world. 


This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Babies & Toddlers: God sent His Son Jesus. Romans 5:8 

  • Preschool:  We know that God loves us because He sent His Son Jesus. Romans 5:8 

  • Kindergarten & 1st grade: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 

  • Elementary Kids: But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 

** Next week: Jesus Told a Woman about Living Water (John 4)

Jenni Moore, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

City Covenant Church

-Content provided by The Gospel Project


Jesus Told a Woman about Living Water


Easter: Jesus Came to Be the Sacrifice for Sin