Battles & Victory

Recently in Sunday worship we sang, “I’m going to see Your victory, for the battle belongs to You Lord”. We have a lot to battle today. We all have our own list. I know my first reaction to any conflicts on my list is to use my own knowledge and tactics. Why is it so easy to forget this truth that the battle belongs to Him? As I search my motives, unfortunately, I am still trying to be the victor.

We were with a friend recently who said, “We want to go to battle with those that have been to battle a few times”. This reminds me that Christ won the ultimate battle. He secured our salvation with His death and resurrection on the cross. I need to remember He walks with me in my inner and outer battles everyday. God’s righteousness is for us, not against us. This should give us much courage in our daily battles. We are called to place our eyes on God and go to battle with confidence. Stand firm knowing that He walks in front of us, behind us and with us. He has good purpose in the struggles we face.

Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you. —2 Chronicles 20:17 ESV

May we see Your loving hand in each battle we face, God, and each victory we witness! You are a Mighty God!!

—Mary Jo Andrews




Can perfectionism eclipse awareness of God’s mindset?